Curriculum Eng

Adelina Fabiano

(Delly Fabiano)


• Degree with lode in Mathematics at the University of Calabria


• Professor of Geometry at the University of Calabria, in the faculty of Engineer

• Director of the LAMI Laboratory (Laboratory for the maths applications to engineer)- University of Calabria

• President of the International Commission “Arts and culture” BPW International Executive Board 2008-2011 (coordinates the components of the Commission from the continents in the International Federation: Europe, Africa, Asia – Pacific, North America and Latin America)

• President of the Italian Association of Alzheimer disease -AIMA- Cosenza, coordinator of Calabria e national counselor ((In this context has organized conferences and training courses and signed a memorandum of understanding with the regional health authority for the construction of a day care center and held several conferences at the national level)

• President of the cultural association “Nuove Dimensioni” (in this role has organized conferences and debates on current issues, collaborative networks to find new employment figures for young people)

• Lady Templar Order ““Orbo templi Hierosolymitani-Equites Templares”

• Assessor in Public education, Museum, Public library and cultural events , at the city council of Rende (Cosenza)

• Adviser of the council of ministers for the political communities (September 2005- March 2006, minister Giorgio La Malfa). She worked on how to use the resources and instruments for the structural funds of the European Union; She also collaborated to promote all those applications and instruments that help states administrations, region end countries administrations to accede at the several help funds of Brussels. In this way she wrote an ‘HANDBOOK U.E. President of the council ministers’ February 2006, to support who wants to accede and wants to use European funds.

She predispose for the council of ministers of the political communities, training course for the local government, managers and voluntary associations

• Provincial President of Domina Cosenza “National Employer Association of house workers”. (In this capacity has contributed to the regularization of employment of migrant domestic workers and carers, attended conferences and held a number of reports at national level)

• President of the commission women and equal opportunities at the faculty of engineer at the University of Calabria (2007-2008-2009)

• Member ad adviser of the Calabria’s regional assessor in cultural events for the “research and technologic innovations”, Calabria, 2008

• Member of the National Commission on “Women and Politics” Socia already Fidapa Rende (in this capacity he has lectured in various sections Fidapa – Locri, Brancaleone, Siderno Makes … In the section has reported on various topics – tourism, immigration, etc. (2008 – 2009)

• Expert in various regional committees, calendar of cultural events (2004-2005-2006)

• Nominated by the commission of women and equal opportunities of Calabria for the research project “Mediterranean women”, 2004.

In the following project she created an international network collaboration with the Mediterranean women.

• Member in the bioetic commission of Calabria, 2000. Also in this year she has participated to several meetings and she participated to several problems related to social disease

• Coordinator in a project of the European community ‘Mediterranean Woman Network :Women placement through boundaries’

That included like European partners, France and Italy, (1993-1994).

Theme of project : ‘Women of the Mediterranean’ jointly cooperate for the creation and strengthening of a network of relations and exchanges whose goal is the creation of places for the production of knowledge. In this she participated to several stages and congress organized by the European Community.

• Member of managerial council Rotary club of Cosenza. In his role as “Rotarian” is a member of the Board of Directors

• She has been Chairman of various committees Rotarian

• Board of Directors for many years

Among the various positions held, including:

• Vice President Interclubs Commission Project “Training Burundi”, 2010

• Vice President of the Rotary Cosenza, 2010

• Commission President Interclub Burundi, 2009

• President of the Rotary Foundation, club service Cosenza, 2008

• Prefect of the Rotary Cosenza, 2007

• Youth Action Committee Chairman, 2005

• Author of articles in magazines of Rotary International

• He has held several conferences in the various clubs Rotarians

He has spoken at various forums organized by District 2100 of Rotary including:

- Conference “New Educational Model for European citizens” Rotary District Forum, 2009

- RYLA Conference, Naples,2009

- Conference “Women and Politics” forum in the District Rotary District 2100, 2007

- Conference “Youth and Europe”, Rotary District 2100, District Forum, 2004

• He has held several conversations for ‘Rotarians Tuesday’

• Delegate for the “new literacy of Italians” governor of Rotary District 2100, (2010)

• Governor of Rotary District Codelegata 2100 for literacy (2009)

• She wrote several articles on the Rotary International magazine, District 2100.

• Coordinator of the “Girotondo” project – Unical (Mathematics department) in collaboration with the Calabria region institution

• Coordinator of the “Scheps” project -Unical (LAMI) in collaboration with the Calabria region institution

• Vice presidente ANFE National Family emigrate association, 2003-2004

• Coordinator of several projects in territorial tourism, also coordinated and propose different kind of models to improve tourism development.

• Member of the Fidapa club of Rende.

She organized several conferences in the several sections of Fidapa (Locri, Brancaleone, siderno,..)

In Rende section she related several arguments like (tourism, immigration, etc).

2008 – district charge for the commission “Donna e Politica”

More information

• She participated to several meetings and coordinated different debates on scientific, cultural and social arguments in various Italian and European cities

• She has coordinated several research projects for the LAMI – Laboratory of the University of Calabria –

• Doctorate professor of “Engineer of the complex and fundamental and epistemologic of the anthropologic research”

• Speaker in several international congresses (Cordoba , Bordeaux, Cracovia , Kielce, Lublin, Paris , Padova, etc)

• Supervisor of degree thesis for many University of Calabria’s students of engineering, mathematics, and also from other faculties

• Professor visitor at University of Kielce an at the University of Kracovia, April 1998

• Visiting professor at the University of Bujumbura, Burundi

• Speaker in “About Community Funds: Opportunities for Calabria”

• Speaker in several cultural congresses (Cremona, Firenze, Milano, Roma,Varese, Ragusa, Rende, Rossano,Vibo, Fiuggi, Catanzaro, Reggio, Lametia terme)

• Scientific manger of several international and national congresses

She has been invited to give lectures and seminars in various universities and international conferences including:

• Kielce (Poland) – April 2003 – scientific collaborations with Arkadiusz Plosky

• University of Cracovia (Poland), February 1999 (at the invitation of prof. P Tworzewski and T. Winiarski)

• University of Kielce (Poland), February 1999 (at the invitation of prof. A. Ploski)

• University of Cracovia (Poland), April 1998 (at the invitation of prof. P Tworzewski and T. Winiarski)

• Paris: “International workshops on algebraic and analytic theory of residues and its applications” (IHP) 18-20 May 1995

• University of Kielce (Poland), April 1998 (at the invitation of prof. A. Ploski)

• Bordeaux: “Atelier – Colloque sur le thème Résidus et Effectivité” 4-8

• Workshop on “Commutative Algebra whith application in geometry and combinatorics; Gliaca di Piraino 22-25, September 2005

• “Mathematics and Informatics”, Piraino September 24, 2004

• Giardini Naxos: “IV National Congress of SIMAI” 1-5 June 1998 (where he held a Communication entitled “Residue Symbols and Proper Maps”)

• Workshop on “Commutative Algebra”, Messina, 18-20 March 2002

• Bari: “New Italian contributions to differential geometry” 3-6 September 1997 (where he held a Communication entitled: “Issues of effectiveness in the entire function algebras”)

• University of Messina in July 96 (at the invitation of prof. Gaetana Restuccia)

• Padova: “XV Congress of the Italian Mathematical Union,” 11-16 Sept. 1995 (where he held a Communication entitled: “Hyperfunction Clifford”)

She has been a member of the Scientific Committee organizer of various international conferences including:

- “Effectivity problems: Algebraic and analytic methods V”, Diamante – June 2003

- “Effectivity problems: Algebraic and analytic methods IV” , Diamante – June 2002

- “Effectivity problems: Algebraic and Analytic Methods III” , Diamante (CS) – 5/10 June 2000

- “Mathematics: what, why, how Diamante, 7 June 2000

- “Effectivity problems: Algebraic and Analytic Methods II” , Camigliatello Silano 14-20 June 1999

- “Effectivity problems: Algebraic and Analytic Methods” , Camigliatello Silano 22-28 June 1998

- “Algebraic and Geometrical Aspects in Several Complex variables II”, Cetraro September 1994. The proceedings of this conference are collected in a volume of which she is co-editor with Professor. J. Guenot.

- “Geometry of complex projective varietes” , Cetraro 28 May – 02 June 1990

- Minicorso “The Radon transform and its applications”, Rende, April 1990 (Speakers Berenstein and Ehrempreis)

- Mini-course “Algebraic Analysis”, Rende October – November 1989 (Speakers Kashiwara and Schapira)

- “Algebraic and Geometrical Aspects in several complex variables”, Cetraro – June 1989

- “Complex analysis”, Rende 5/7 April 1984

Recevied several awards:

• “Il Sensivismo” , Festival dei due mari , Altomonte, August 2000.

• “Afrodite 2001” International Inner Whell, Corigliano-Rossano, March 2000.

• “Premio Alda Miceli”, CIF, June 2004

• - “Paul Harris Fellow” governor Guido Parlato – Rotary district 2100

• - “Paul Harris Fellow” (con zaffiro ) governor Francesco Socievole- Rotary district 2100

Research activities

I . Complex Analysis

II. Questions related to algebra and geometric problems that involve the study of functions

with complex variables.

III. Theory of convexity in analytic geometry .

IV. Problems of algebra functions that satisfy the theory of residual in complex variables.

IV. Beam of hyper functions and micro functions.

V. Analysis of image finalized to the cardiovascular pathology

VI. Math Methods applied to psychology problems and behavior medicine.

VII. Innovation and development of knowledge.

Study and Research

Innovation and development of knowledge.

European funds, programs, invitations and design European.

Mathematical models to solve economic, social, land development, tourism, health etc.


[1] Cicli di dimensione zero (con P. Pietramala). Atti Accademia Peloritana dei

Pericolani vol. LIX (1981) 133-148.

[2] Completezza della logica intuizionistica rispetto a modelli con copertura.

Bollettino U.M.I. (6) 2-A (1983), 21-28.

[3] Ideals in spaces of tempered distributions supported by cones (con D.

Struppa). Bollettino U.M.I. (7), 3-B (1989), 901-911.

[4] Sur la convexitè Holomorphe: theorie locale (con P. Pietramala). Ann.

Inst. Fourier, Grenoble 40 (1990) 597-617.

[5] Some remarks on the group of movements and applications to discrete

models. Education in Computing Ec. Newletters vol. 2 N.3 (1990) 67-71.

[6] Bounds for the degrees of the entries of left inverses of polynomial matrices

(con D.C. Struppa). Multidimensional System and Signal Processing 1, 67-74


[7] Complessi di Koszul in spazi di distribuzioni temperate con supporti in coni.

Bollettino U.M.I., 5-A (1991) 13-20.

[8] Bounds for the degree of the entries of generalized inverses of polynomial

matrices (con V. Marino). Rendiconti dell’Istituto di Matematica Univ.

Trieste vol. XXII Fasc. I-II (1993) 126-135.

[9] Sur la convexitè holomorphe: theorie cohomologique (con J. Guenot)

Rendiconti Circolo Matematico di Palermo serie II. TOMO XLIII (1994)


[10] Sheaves of quaternionic hyperfunctions and microfunctions (con G. Gentile

e D.C. Struppa). Complex Variables theory and Applications, vol. XXIV

(1994), 161-184.

[11] Deformations de varietes holomorphes (con J.Guenot). Atti Accademia dei

Pericolanti vol. LXXIII (1995).

[12] Effective Nullstellensatze and Geometric Degree for zero-dimensional

ideals (con G. Pucci e A.Yger). “Acta Aritmetica” LXXVIII.2 (1996).

[13] Boundary values of monogenic functions. “Advances in Applied Clifford Algebra” 6, 193 (1996) pp. 193-206.

[14] Bezout Identities with pseudopolynomial entries (con G. Pucci). “Archiv der Mathematik” 68, (1997) pp. 477-495.

[15] An Introduction to the Microlocal Analysis of Hypercomplex Functions.

Rendiconti dell’Istituto di Matematica Univ. Trieste vol. XXVIII (1996)


[16] Residue Symbols and Proper Maps (con D. Adornato). “Abstracts del IV congresso nazionale della Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale (SIMAI 98)”.

[17] Effective Nullstellensatz for strictly regular sequences (con A. Ploski, P.Tworzewski). Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica, Fasc. 38 (2000), pag. 163-167.

[18] Test for Properness using Residue Calculus (con D. Adornato). “Rendiconti del circolo matematico di Palermo”, serie II, Tomo L, 2001.

[19] Perturbation methods and residue calculus (con D. Adornato); accettato per la

pubblicazione in “Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius, seria

Matematica, vol XII, 2004.

[20] About Bezout-Noether identity Pubblicato in”actes du seminaire d’algebra et de

geometrie algebrique de l’universite cheikh anta diop de dakar vol- 200

fascicolo 1, anno 2004.

[21] “Elementi di teoria degli insiemi” (con G. Cattaneo e J. Guenot). Libro

pubblicato dal Consorzio per l’Università a Distanza.

[22] Numeri e combinatoria (con G. Cattaneo e J. Guenot). Libro pubblicato dal

Consorzio per l’Università a Distanza.

[23] “Esercizi di Geometria I” (con D.C. Struppa). Libro pubblicato da

Mediterranean Press.

[24] “Teoria dei fasci” (con J. Guenot e P. Pietramala). Quaderno collana

seminari del Dipartimento di Matematica.

[25] Numeri naturali (con J. Guenot, P. Parrotta, P. Icona). Collana didattica

Multimediale “Scoprire la Matematica”, Diemme Editori, vol. 1, 1997.

[26] Numeri interi e razionali (con J. Guenot, P. Parrotta, P.Iacona). Collana

didattica Multimediale “Scoprire la Matematica”, Diemme Editori, vol. 2,


[27] Numeri reali (con J.Guenot, P. Parrotta, P. Iacona). Collana didattica

Multimediale “Scoprire la Matematica”, Diemme Editori, vol. 3, 1998.

[28] Algebra (con J. Guenot, P. Parrotta, C. Greco, G. Canestrino, S. Costabile,

M.F. Benvenuto). Collana didattica Multimediale “Scoprire la Matematica”,

Diemme Editori, vol. 4, 1998.

[29] Geometria nel piano (con J. Guenot, P. Parrotta, C. Greco, G. Canestrino,

S. Costabile, M.F. Benvenuto). Collana didattica Multimediale “Scoprire la

Matematica”, Diemme Editori, vol. 5, 1998.

[30] Continuità e regolarità (con J. Guenot) accettato per la pubblicazione da

Mediterranean Press serie “Matematica Universitaria”.

[31] Funzioni elementari (con J. Guenot); accettato per la pubblicazione da

Mediterranean Press serie “Matematica Universitaria”.

[32] Integrazione (con J. Guenot); accettato per la pubblicazione da Mediterranean

Press serie “Matematica Universitaria”.

[33] Derivazione (con J. Guenot); accettato per la pubblicazione da Mediterranean

Press serie “Matematica Universitaria”.

[34] Calcolo integrale più variabili (con J. Guenot); accettato per la pubblicazione

da Mediterranean Press serie “Matematica Universitaria”.

[35] Primitiva di funzioni razionali (con J. Guenot); accettato per la pubblicazione

da Mediterranean Press serie “Matematica Universitaria”.

[36] “Algoritmo di riduzione” (con J. Guenot); accettato per la pubblicazione da

Mediterranean Press serie “Matematica Universitaria”.

[37] “The fundamental principle for mean-periodi distributions”; Accademia

peloritana dei pericolanti, 2005, Vol. LXXXIII.

[38] HANDBOOK U.E. Febbraio 2006 – presidenza del consiglio dei ministri.

[39] “Bochner transform,pertubations and amoebae of holomorphic almost periodic mappings in tubedomains “(con J.Guenot e J .Silipo ):Complex variables and Elliptic Equations,vol 52,N8 Agosto 2007,709-739.

[40] Handbook “guida ai nuovi italiani” – Rotary club distretto 2100.