Articoli: Fidapa


8 giugno 2011 - Fidapa

BPW INTERNATIONAL Adelina Fabiano Chairs of Standing Committee “ARTS AND CRAFTS” Planning for the triennium 2009 -2011   Purpose of Arts and Crafts Committee is : Using arts and crafts to stimulate an international discussion about women’s social role, showing how women are able to preserve cultures and to innovate their role in modern society. [...]

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Project proposal

8 giugno 2011 - Fidapa

“The role of women in developing dialogue between different religions and ethnic groups in the global village.”“We have been reached by questions of the poor, prisoners of war, fear and hatred. We know the immense possibilities and risks of globalization, if soulless. We are down in the depths of our religious traditions and memory. Therefore, [...]

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Lettera a Delly Fabiano

11 aprile 2008 - Fidapa

Roma  04/11/2008 Carissima Delly, sono davvero felice di comunicarti  che , nel recente Congresso Internazionale   di Città del Messico, l’Assemblea delle delegate, provenienti da tutto il mondo,  ti ha eletta Responsabile internazionale della Commissione Arte e Cultura in considerazione del tuo ottimo  curriculum professionale ed associativo . Tale nomina ci riempie di orgoglio  in quanto [...]

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